Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cal is having such a good time exploring the yard. Especially when he's following his friend Pixie, who is showing him the ropes. We've found that he LOVES balls of all shapes and sizes, and will chase one around until he's exhausted. His ears are alot better after a good cleaning, and he's on a weight gain regimen which involves lots of treats and healthy, yummy food. He gobbles down everything offered to him with so much gusto, and after a long, rough day of playing with his friends, getting love and affection, and eating, he settles in for a nap. It took him a few days to feel comfortable enough to lie in a soft bed- he would sit stiffly on the floor, looking like he wasn't quite sure what he should do- but he's starting to relax and realize that things are very different for him now, and life's alot easier than it was. He hasn't barked- he makes a weird groaning noise when he's playing with a ball- and I wonder if he's been de-barked. The sort of person who would tie a dog to a tree for years is the sort of person who de-barks a dog. I can't change his sad past, but I can make sure his future is filled with love and comfort.

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