Monday, July 30, 2012

A day in the park

We brought Cal to the annual Bark in the Park event today and he had a great time! He made some new friends, both with and without fur, and was so calm and well mannered. It is so nice to have a foster that I can trust around anybody- even a small child. I have to tell you though that he was a dismal failure at the agility course- he was confounded by the first obstacle, a kiddie pool. He stopped, took a drink,looked around and then lay down. I don't think he has much of a future in agility! He also was in his frst parade, of adoptable dogs!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cal went to the vet today for a re-check of his ear infection- my vet was very pleased with how his ear and mouth have healed. He said his infection seems resolved, but he has LOTS of gunk in both ears from years of neglect- we have some drops to help clear and dry his ears. I was so happy too to see that Cal has gained another pound and is up to 21.6! He was sweet and friendly to everyone he met, but was clearly nervous- he peed and pooped on the floor of the office, which isn't typical- and was GLAD to leave! He did manage to gobble down a few treats though....

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

One thing that Cal really looks forward to is his nightly walks- he gets super excited when he sees his leash and collar and is ready to go!  He doesn't walk fast, but has more stamina than I'd expect. And he has no reaction at all to other dogs he meets than a curious sniff. I haven't seen ANY aggression of any sort since he's been her- he's a lover, not a fighter! When we get home he settles down with his friends Chloe and Salty Dog in the most comfortable spot he can find. He is such a nice, nice boy.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yahoo! Cal is up to 20 lbs as of this morning- a 2 lb gain! The fact that he eats like Joey Chestnut at Coney Island doesn't hurt....he is a gobbler and inhales a bowl of food at the speed of light. He went to an adoption event in Warwick yesterday and made lots of new friends, both with and without fur, and certainly is a dog that I feel comfortable taking anywhere- he's so quiet, well mannered and friendly, and is gentle with children. He's quickly learned when it's crate time, and sleeps through the night. I love, love love this boy!!!!! He seems so GRATEFUL to be treated with kindness. Sweet Cal.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cal's most favorite thing- EATING! His little tail never stops wagging while he's eating. You can tell that this boy has gone hungry for much of his life.
I wanted to show Cal doing one of his favorite things- chasing a ball around. He LOVES balls and will play till he's exhausted!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Cal is having such a good time exploring the yard. Especially when he's following his friend Pixie, who is showing him the ropes. We've found that he LOVES balls of all shapes and sizes, and will chase one around until he's exhausted. His ears are alot better after a good cleaning, and he's on a weight gain regimen which involves lots of treats and healthy, yummy food. He gobbles down everything offered to him with so much gusto, and after a long, rough day of playing with his friends, getting love and affection, and eating, he settles in for a nap. It took him a few days to feel comfortable enough to lie in a soft bed- he would sit stiffly on the floor, looking like he wasn't quite sure what he should do- but he's starting to relax and realize that things are very different for him now, and life's alot easier than it was. He hasn't barked- he makes a weird groaning noise when he's playing with a ball- and I wonder if he's been de-barked. The sort of person who would tie a dog to a tree for years is the sort of person who de-barks a dog. I can't change his sad past, but I can make sure his future is filled with love and comfort.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Cal is settling in nicely to his foster home- and learning what it's like to live in a house, instead of tied to a tree. We took a walk this morning, and he does really well on a leash- and greeted everyone he met warmly.  My first impression of him as a sweet, mild mannered fella hasn't changed, and I'm happy to say that he has not had a single accident in the house- not what I would expect from a dog that was kept outside. He's quiet, gentle and seems to have no aggression of any kind. My sweet blind Chloe has dementia, and bumps into him as she paces and circles, and Cal just seems to understand, and steps out of her way.
My first order of business is to fatten him up! He is so, so thin, and his appetite is so good that I believe that he was simply not given enough food to maintain his weight. I know that miraculously he was negative for parasites, heartworm and lyme disease so starvation explains his weight. I have him on my special weight gain concoction and I'm confident that by this time next month he'll look like a different dog. I'm going to pamper him royally and make sure that any prospective adopter does the same!
For information on how to adopt Cal Ripken Jr, please visit his profile-

Saturday, July 14, 2012

After a 28 hour trip, Cal arrived at his foster home- we made a trip to the fire station to met his foster dad Mike, who he greeted with kisses- and when he arrived home he explored the house and yard with great interest. My first impression is that this boy is SWEET! My favorite kind of foster- he loves my dogs and follows them around, doing what they do. He seems fully housetrained, which I didn't expect- and, although he didn't know how to use stairs, he learned in about 15 minutes with the lure of hot dog bits. I love a dog that's food motivated! He is painfully thin, and is being treated for an ear infection. I suspect he's a little hard of hearing but not deaf by any means, and his eyesight may not be perfect either.
 I love him already! He is so gentle, and hasn't made a sound. I'm also surprised by how calm he seems, and how grateful for an kindness shown. I'm confident that he's going to clean up nicely and find a loving home.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Meet Cal, a 9-10 YO cocker spaniel- a survivor of cruelty and neglect. He's spent the last few weeks in the office of a kind vet on TN after being abandoned by his owners. He lived for years and years- 24/7/365- outside, tied to a tree with little food and water. His only companion was another spaniel who died of heatstroke, so Cal sat, alone and hungry, day after day until we saved him. Most of his teeth needed to be pulled, and I'm told he's painfully thin. He's on his way here from TN and will arrive tomorrow for some TLC and good nutrition, and a new home. Stay tuned!