Cal is settling in nicely to his foster home- and learning what it's like to live in a house, instead of tied to a tree. We took a walk this morning, and he does really well on a leash- and greeted everyone he met warmly. My first impression of him as a sweet, mild mannered fella hasn't changed, and I'm happy to say that he has not had a single accident in the house- not what I would expect from a dog that was kept outside. He's quiet, gentle and seems to have no aggression of any kind. My sweet blind Chloe has dementia, and bumps into him as she paces and circles, and Cal just seems to understand, and steps out of her way.
My first order of business is to fatten him up! He is so, so thin, and his appetite is so good that I believe that he was simply not given enough food to maintain his weight. I know that miraculously he was negative for parasites, heartworm and lyme disease so starvation explains his weight. I have him on my special weight gain concoction and I'm confident that by this time next month he'll look like a different dog. I'm going to pamper him royally and make sure that any prospective adopter does the same!